Spiritual journey

Life experience, Living with a Master, serving a living master, Spiritual journey, transformation experience

Lessons Living with Mohanji – Days 89 & 90

I have to say that travelling with Mohanji was a real shakeup for me. I knew it would be busy; I knew it would be quite fast-paced and hectic. But it was a realisation for me of all the subtle expectations that I have in day-to-day life, which I hadn’t considered before. Usually, when I think of expectations, it’s the big things; trying to have a job, have a position, live in a particular location, maybe being treated a certain way by people. Those are the most obvious things.

darkness to light, Divine Experience, experience of grace, Intense experience, Life experience, Spiritual journey, transformation experience

Empowered 2.0 – Part 1

Every program done by Mohanji is constructed in such a way that it offers a stepping stone to finding oneself. It is paving a path for those who want to take the journey inwards. This is being done with utmost care without giving any shock to oneself, whether physically or mentally. By slowly exposing the participants to situations (daily) and letting them experience themselves at that moment with total awareness, resolving/destroying the raised confusions depending on that person’s mindset is a mere divine play. Nevertheless, Mohanji is operating through us by staying within us in the form of Universal Consciousness. 

consciousness kriya, darkness to light, Life experience, Mahavatar Babaji, Spiritual journey, transformation experience, truth

The power of Consciousness Kriya

In ancient times there lived a great and curious king who challenged all wise men of his kingdom to explain the idea of karma, karmic law and karmic processes. Many sages passed through his palace and gave various replies, but those did not satisfy the king, who continued seeking a more profound answer. Finally, a liberated master appeared in front of him. He said, “Nobody can reveal to you the secret of karma, which you can only experience by yourself,” and gave him an initiation into Kriya.

experience of grace, Intense experience, Life experience, Retreat experience, Spiritual journey

EMpowered by Mohanji – 5

My experience of 11 Days of Empowered with Mohanji and the M Family is difficult to describe in words at the state I am in at this moment in time. I got a chance to speak to Mohanji; like many of us, all my questions were subtly answered by my beloved Mohanji. But I still wanted to thank him and pay my gratitude. Any words or feelings will look small in front of what Mohanji is and has been for all of us.

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