Not even a Leaf
By Michael Draper, UK I have previously written about experiences with Mohanji at the Opening Your Heart Day retreat in […]
By Michael Draper, UK I have previously written about experiences with Mohanji at the Opening Your Heart Day retreat in […]
Two narrow escapes from certain hazards in a very short period reinforce the assurance of a loving connection and potent protection from Mohanji.
I met Mohanji for the first time when I was in Bosnia in June 2019 for the Kriya Intensive programme. I had many experiences during those 5 days that I stayed in Mohanji’s presence. He made sure that I released all the stored and suppressed emotions within me during the time I was there. Before narrating what I want to share, I am sharing something that happened before I went to Bosnia.
The series of “Mohanji Satcharita” had begun on the auspicious day of Dussera and Shirdi Sai Baba’s Maha Samadhi day in October 2018. Today on yet another auspicious day of Guru Poornima, we conclude this series with the 9th chapter of the Mohanji Satcharita with another three beautiful stories ! Thus, 81 heartfelt, sincere & true testimonials of devotees of Mohanji from across the globe had spread the fragrance of devotion and love for Mohanji through this series. Each story is a true “Guru Leela” of Mohanji showing various dimensions of our dear “Jagat Mitra” – friend of the Universe, Mohanji.
Mohanji’s leela will not end. Mohanji’s Satcharita stories will not end too. This is just a brief interval till we return with yet another colourful bouquet of flowers of gratitude.
Till then enjoy this series of Mohanji Satcharita with the 9 chapters.
Sandra, Dragana and Reena offer their bouquet of love and gratitude to Mohanji by sharing their incredible experiences of Mohanji’s presence without presence.
Mohanji Satcharita – Chapter 8 brings to you another beautiful story about the Guru. Meeta Sahai recounts her experiences of meeting Mohanji and the experiences that led her to consider Him to be her Guru. She then realised that this connection was older and deeper than she could ever imagine!
By Sunita Madan, India The Bosnian Pyramid pilgrimage and Kriya Intensive were the first of my long retreats. The Bosnian
Author: Biljana Vozarevic, Serbia “I am the source. I am the powerhouse. I do not become tired or depleted, ever. I