Ashram experience

Acharya Training, Ashram experience, experience of bliss, experience of grace, Kailash with Mohanji, Lake Manasarovar, Life experience, Living with a Master, Shirdi Sai Baba, Spiritual journey

Thankful, grateful, and blessed

Mohanji patiently stood near the doorway while each person took a picture with him. Taken by George, the pictures were stunning. The vibrant red of the vest, the bandana, and the cool shades made Mohanji look so amazing. But most of all, the words on the vest, ‘Lifeguard’ was just perfect! The loving Guru, the Eternal Charioteer, the Guardian of our life and soul, was fulfilling yet another loving wish. Thank you dearest Mohanji, for this precious picture that we are all blessed to have.

Ashram experience, Divine Experience, experience of grace, Intense experience, Lord Dattatreya, mohanji blog, Mohanji Satcharita, Satcharita, Shirdi Sai Baba

Mohanji Satcharita – Chapter 9 – ” The divine blessings of Kamadhenu”

We bring to you our second story in the 9th Chapter of Mohanji Satcharita. Mahesh Balerao shares with us a beautiful experience that took pace in Canada in the presence of our dear Mohanji!  Divinity can be seen, sensed or heard by most of us in this physical realm. Dive into this beautiful narration and enjoy the bliss that was evident in our Canada Ashram. 

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