Chanting Experience

Chanting Experience

Sri Rudram 41 day program – part 2

With Mohanji’s abundant blessings, the 51-day Sri Rudram online sessions conducted by the Himalayan School of Traditional Languages culminated successfully on the 25th of June 2021. This program entailed ten days of learning to chant the Rudram with the right pronunciations and intonations, followed by 41 days of daily practice and chanting in the online sessions.

Acharya Training, Chanting Experience, Healing experience, Kailash experience, Kailash Journey, Shiva

The lock is broken

As usual, Mohanji joined promptly on time and initiated the Homa at 1:30 pm UK time as planned. I had made an intention (Sankalpa), saying, “With the grace of Mohanji, the fear that is binding me and any other unwanted things that I carry, be burned to ashes in this Homa fire.” Then I closed my eyes and sat there in front of the Homa (by zoom) connecting to Mohanji.

Chanting Experience, Compassion during Corona, experience of grace, Life experience, Mai Tri, Selfless Service

Being fearless

It is the second week of May. The UK is finally seeing a decline in the spreading of the Covid-19 virus. Lockdown measures are slightly relaxed, although restrictions for travel, school, shopping, socialising and for the elderly, as in many other areas still continue. After the loss of thousands of lives and devastation to so many families, we are hoping that life will return to relative normalcy soon.

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