Connection With Masters

Connection With Masters, Intense experience, Life experience, Miracle experience, Protection experience, Shirdi Sai Baba

Protection at the time of need

It was July 2019. My child who is 2 years and 8 months old was at home as his day-care nursery was closed. My mother-in-law was here with us in Finland for 2 months. She was enjoying the company of our little one while both my husband and I were away at work. One evening we had planned to go shopping and so my husband said that he will come home early.

astral travel, Connection With Masters, Divine Experience, experience of bliss, experience of grace, Intense experience, Kailash experience, Kailash Journey, Spiritual journey, Travel experience

Kailash not too far!

Incredible is the grace of Guru Mandala that through these visions of Mohanji in Kailash, it was proven yet again that when Mohanji travels on a pilgrimage, He just doesn’t take people physically, He takes everyone connected to His consciousness spiritually too!

Connection With Masters, Kailash experience, Travel experience

The Grace of the Blazing Sun

As my eyes closed that night, I saw Kailash – bathed in the blue hue of the bright moonlight, with the shimmering white crown of snow.  I was lying down in one of the rooms directly in front of the north face of Kailash at Dirapuk (Tibet, China) in the only guest house that the place had to offer. The day had begun as any on the Kailash parikrama trail.

Connection With Masters, experience of grace, Life experience, Protection experience

The Guru who liberates!

When we connect to the Guru, not just we but our families, our lineage, forefathers and even future generations also come under the protection of the Guru.

One such eternal truth, I recently experienced through a bitter situation in my life, though. This is a very personal matter and in a normal scenario, I wouldn’t have openly discussed it. However, when I realised how my Guru Mohanji’s protection has worked, I felt it’s no longer a personal matter to keep it to myself. I felt I must share with the world how powerful the connection with our Master can be.

Connection With Masters, friend of world, Life experience, Meeting Masters, Mohanji Satcharita, Satcharita, serving a living master, Shirdi Sai Baba, Spiritual journey

Serving a Living Master

After a recent conversation with a close Mohanji family member very near and dear to me, I felt it is important to share some important points which I have observed from living with Mohanji, which would be good to understand and would enable us to clarify to people further if required.

Connection With Masters, consciousness kriya, Divine Experience, experience of grace

The Lord of the Lions – The Truth

I learnt the value of these words only through my experiences. As I connect with Mohanji more and more, I realise that it is the experiences that help me understand my spiritual growth. Experiences abound every day but how aware am I of these experiences? How much faith do I have to recognise these experiences as a blessing through the grace of the Master? Pain or pleasure, is it not learning? Is it not a dilution of the pre-destined karma? , I bow to Mohanji, resting my head at His feet in complete surrender, with a humble prayer to remove what is not essential for me!

Connection With Masters, consciousness kriya, Devi Amma, Divine Experience, Life experience, Meditation expereince, Mohanji Satcharita, Retreat experience, Satcharita Chapter 8, transformation experience

Mohanji Satcharita – Chapter 8  brings to you another beautiful story about the Guru. Meeta Sahai recounts her experiences of meeting Mohanji and the experiences that led her to consider Him to be her Guru. She then realised that this connection was older and deeper than she could ever imagine!

Connection With Masters, experience of grace, Healing experience, Life experience, transformation experience

Mohanji Satcharita – Chapter 8 – “A state of Expanded Consciousness”

We have a beautiful sharing by Ilina, who found that connecting to the Master helped her overcome a deep-seated emotional trauma in her life. Through the process of ignoring her mind’s negative chatter and surrendering her expectations, she had a wonderful experience which helped her momentarily see the underlying Consciousness in all creation.

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