Retreat experience

Life experience, mohanji blog, Retreat experience, Spiritual journey, transformation experience


Then came May 2013, and my first meeting with Mohanji in a satsang in Novi Sad. I remember him answering the first question on free will, saying in his first sentence that free will is just a myth and that it exists only before we take this body. At that moment, I had a feeling as if I was relieved of an enormous burden, and I felt an incredible lightness! Since then, I started attending the meditations regularly, and the next year followed the first retreat as well.

darkness to light, experience of grace, Life experience, Retreat experience, truth

Thirst for love

I was recently fortunate to meet Devi Amma (a spiritual Master from South India) and receive her blessings. When I prayed to her that I wanted to walk the path of spirituality and serve mankind, she asked me to go to Shri Mohanji. Coincidentally, the 21-day program was initiated, and that is how I became a part of Mohanji’s group. Before I share my experiences with the beloved Masters and Acharyas during my sessions, I want to share a little about myself. My apologies for the length, but I just wanted to pour out my feelings and gratitude.

conscious walking, First meeting experience, Healing experience, Retreat experience, Travel experience


Having gone through 30 years of various gynaecological procedures (and subsequent total hysterectomy 10 years ago) following the respective births of my two giant-sized babies (10 lb each), I had become used to living under the governance of my ever-increasing bladder alerts. Wherever I travelled I’d automatically, mentally calculate my liquid intake and the very real prospect of a cross-legged stagger to the nearest bush (in the face of a commonplace lack of public conveniences).

Life experience, Protection experience, Retreat experience, Spiritual journey, transformation experience, truth

I am always with you

Most of us who have participated in a retreat with Mohanji, feel sad when the retreat comes to an end, wondering when we will have the next opportunity to be in his physical presence. We might feel pangs of separation, even though we know far too well that we should connect more to his Consciousness. But still, this illusion of duality holds us in its grip. 

Connection With Masters, consciousness kriya, Devi Amma, Divine Experience, Life experience, Meditation expereince, Mohanji Satcharita, Retreat experience, Satcharita Chapter 8, transformation experience

Mohanji Satcharita – Chapter 8  brings to you another beautiful story about the Guru. Meeta Sahai recounts her experiences of meeting Mohanji and the experiences that led her to consider Him to be her Guru. She then realised that this connection was older and deeper than she could ever imagine!

Connection With Masters, Dip in Kumbh2019, Divine Experience, experience of grace, First meeting experience, Kumbha Mela, Life experience, Meeting Masters, Retreat experience, Shirdi Sai Baba

Mohanji Satcharita – Chapter 8 – ‘How the grace of Mohanji transformed my life’

Suvarna Singh recounts the transformation in her life after connecting to Mohanji. She had tried to counter the heaviness of her emotions for many years. After she began to feel Mohanji’s compassion and love, her life changed dramatically. Read on to see how this happened.

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