Life experience

Connection With Masters, Life experience, Meeting Masters, mohanji blog

Mohanji Satcharita – Chapter 6 – “He listens, even in His absence”

I was new to the whole world of spiritualism, the meaning of Guru-Shishya (Master-Disciple) in terms of spirituality and the role of a Guru in one’s life. Above all, I was new to the phenomenon called Mohanji!  Mohanji came into my life first through His eye-card, given to me by a friend who I now consider as my guide and philosopher.

Connection With Masters, Life experience, Meeting Masters, mohanji blog, Protection experience

Mohanji Satcharita – Chapter 6 – “Lessons learnt from my Gurudev”

It takes  immense penance of many lifetimes to get the grace of a Sathguru like Mohanji. I am one of the most fortunate souls who have had this grace, in this lifetime (I hope the last one!) I have been experiencing unfathomable love and compassion from Him, right from the first moment I came to know about Him. Since then, He has made me learn so many important lessons in  life, which have transformed and chiseled me. He always lets you be yourself and also transforms you to be a better person.

Connection With Masters, Life experience, Meeting Masters, mohanji blog

Mohanji Satcharita – Chapter 6 – “True Transformation”

For many of us, the moment we met Mohanji was a turning point in our lives. From that moment, many changes start to happen within, positive changes which elevate us in awareness and consciousness. As we connect to Him more and more, negative qualities drop off and we become truly human, serving the world to the best of our abilities and making it a better place for all beings. Mina shares with us beautifully, the transformation which has changed her in many ways, since meeting Mohanji.

Connection With Masters, Divine Experience, Healing experience, Life experience, Protection experience

Mohanji Satcharita – Chapter 5, February 2019

Every disciple’s end goal is absolute dissolution, complete merge into Shiva. One of the most purest path to achieve this is through bhakti yoga and absolute surrender to Guru. In absolute surrender, there is no existence except that of the Guru. However, it is not easy being with a Guru, a living master. Being with the Guru, every moment the disciple burns a lot of samskaras along with burning the ego, burning the intellect, burning the entire mind matter. When the existence of the disciple is completely burnt he turns into pure ash. That’s when Shiva wears the ash and thus the disciple merges completely into Guru, the Adi Guru – Shiva!