Experiences With Mohanji

September 12, 2010
Sunday, Aug 29th, 2010, Meditation in Gurgaon – written by Biba
Mohanji: “So much love…So...

September 1, 2010
ITC Maurya - Mohanji entering the hall, escorted by Pradeep S.
Dear friends, I hope that the att...

July 26, 2010
July 25th, 2010 – Muscat, Oman
The Glow of Ultimate Surrender
Dear friends,
Thank you for...

July 15, 2010
I have not been able to attend BTW meditation for quite some time as my husband and I were busy in the...

July 2, 2010
The Grand Cross Meditation(s) on June 26th, 2010
The White Flower - Grand Cross gift from Marina

June 28, 2010
Dubai, June 25th, 2010
The kiss from Mother Inez that says it all 🙂
It’s been a long time since Mohanj...

June 8, 2010
Green bliss of Hamburg, June 2010
Dear All,
a report from Europe after this weekend’s BTW Double-pack in...

June 2, 2010
The golden Buddha Consciousness
Dear friends,
From all the BTW experiences since 2007 ti...

May 22, 2010
"The purity and Love that emanates from Mohanji is so incredibly high. It is unconditional. Shaktipat...

May 17, 2010
Dear friends,
After the meditation session on 14th May 2010, Mohanji looked totally different. He was in...

May 11, 2010
Dear friends,
I just came from BTW meditation conducted only five days after my surgery and felt like...

May 9, 2010
The post-BTW glow
Dear Biba,
I would like to share with our friends the following text that I...

May 6, 2010
Dear friends,
During last Friday’s BTW we experienced a new dimension of Mohanji. It was a special,...

April 29, 2010
Mohanji in Munich, the spring idilla
Dear all,
To describe BTW session with Mohanji here in Muni...

April 14, 2010
Mother Mary - one of the real apparition photos
Dear friends, I would like to share with you the lo...

April 13, 2010
Young Bhagawan Nithyananda - original blissful image
The first time I heard of Bhagawan Nithyananda was on...

April 11, 2010
Mohanji's hand - invoking the Light
Dear All,
I just got back to Munich and honestly I have...
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